PTTEP Strikes Additional Gas Deposits Offshore Sarawak.

Asian Oil and Gas News – PTTEP HK Offshore has discovered sweet gas off Sarawak with the Paprika-1 well in Block SK410B.

Drilling started last July, with the well reaching a total depth of 3,348 m after encountering gas pay in clastic reservoirs.

The company and partners KUFPEC and Petronas Carigali previously proved gas in the Lang Lebah structure on the same block.

Montri Rawanchaikul, CEO of PTTEP, said, “This discovery presents an important opportunity for PTTEP to strategically establish the Northern Sarawak Clastic Hub. The success also highlights the strong partnership of all joint venture partners and the expertise in applying intensive subsurface evaluation to identify opportunities in a mature area.”

SK410B is in shallow water, 90 km from the coast at Miri, Sarawak, and adjacent to Block SK417, where there are also other gas discoveries. So there is potential for a cluster development.

Existing facilities nearby could potentially support a future project.

Asian oil and Gas News.

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